Breath & Spit

So YHWH fashioned an earth creature out of the clay of the earth, and blew into its nostrils the breath of life. And the earth creature became a living being. (Genesis 2:7 IB)

Breathe into me, O God.

Breathe life into our humanity. Motivate us to be people focused on your ways. Take the dirt upon which we walk and of which we are made and make it divine.

he spit on the ground, made mud with the saliva, and smeared the mud on the man’s eyes. Jesus said to him, “Go, wash in the pool of Siloam” (this word means sent). So the man went away and washed. When he returned, he could see. (John 9:6-7 IB)

Heal our bodies with the sacred earth and your own hands, O Christ. Remind us that, filled with divine breath, you show us how to live as God desires for us.

We must do the deeds of the One who sent me while it is still day— for night is coming, when no one can work. 5 While I am in the world, I am the light of the world.” (John 9:4-5 IB)

Gather us in. Be among us, motivate us, and breathe your life into us. We are but dust but dust is powerful when animated by you. Amen.

Scripture Readings in this Call to Worship from: Priests for Equality. The Inclusive Bible (p. 20). Sheed & Ward. Kindle Edition. 

Tim is a runner, a hiker, a devoted husband, a father of two adult children, and their spouses, and a grandfather of four perfect children. A former early childhood educator, Tim is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has served as pastor of both Disciples and United Church of Christ congregations. As we enter what we hope is the final phase of the pandemic, Tim is beginning a journey of rediscovering himself and discerning next steps. He writes from his home in Albany, Oregon and wherever the Spirit lures him.

Posted in Call to Worship, John, John 9, John 9:1-41, narrative lectionary, New Testament

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