A Prayer in a Time of War

God of Humanity and Creation,

We turn to you aware that you share our heartache about the many schisms in our nation and world. We ask for healing that we might cease fighting and arguing over the inconsequential and keep our focus on your dreams for humanity. Forgive our own selfishness, greed, and pettiness. Forgive our failure to see the amazing all around us. Open our hearts and minds that we can be the people your divine breath animated us to be. 

Please be with our leaders both formal and informal that they might be guided by your ways. With mud, heal the wounds of those whose authentic selves legislated out of humanity. Move us to stand up beside them and uses our voices and bodies to unify humanity.

Confident that you know our feelings of anxiety this morning about the war in Ukraine, we pray for peace. Provide a salve that will lead to grace and respect among the leaders of the world. 

For those who yet suffer from the COVID-19 virus and those whose lives have been upended in small and in significant ways these two years we pray. We yearn for a salve that guides us through the next stages of this pandemic with our decisions based on inclusiveness and the love of all our neighbors.

As we remember that every human being carries your divine image our thoughts turn to specific people and issues.


Response: God, hear our prayers.

We now pray the prayer that Jesus taught us,

Our creator…

Tim is a runner, a hiker, a devoted husband, a father of two adult children, and their spouses, and a grandfather of four perfect children. A former early childhood educator, Tim is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has served as pastor of both Disciples and United Church of Christ congregations. As we enter what we hope is the final phase of the pandemic, Tim is beginning a journey of rediscovering himself and discerning next steps. He writes from his home in Albany, Oregon and wherever the Spirit lures him.

Posted in Pastoral Prayer, Prayer of the Day, Prayers

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All materials by Tim Graves unless otherwise noted. Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0 https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/us/

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