Following! A Prayer

Creating One,

You created each of us in the divine image. 
We are the dust of the earth and your very breath. 
Thank you for this unimaginable gift.

You embedded us with free will.
And gave us love of You and one another as our guidepost.
Thank you for trusting us with free will, may we be worthy.

We live in a world of beauty, simplicity, and intricacy.
We live in the world you created for us and every creature in it.
Thank you for this place to call home, move us to care for it.

Thank you for all that you have given us,
Your breath.
Free will.
A world.
And one another.

In the silence we share our gratitudes.


Loving, Compassionate One,

We are struggling.
It is hard to live into your dreams for us.
Our world is not as you taught us to make it.

Remind us of the foundations of our being:
love of You and love of one another.

Turn us toward one another:
Nudge us into a life of radical community.

And when we lose focus on love:
Regular communion with you grounds us.

In the silence, we share our concerns for those 
within this particular community and beyond.


Today, God, we choose you.
We choose to love our neighbors 
in just such a time as this. (Esther 4:14)

We commit to live faithfully to,
Do justice, embrace love, and walk with humility (Micah 6:8)


Tim is a runner, a hiker, a devoted husband, a father of two adult children, and their spouses, and a grandfather of four perfect children. A former early childhood educator, Tim is an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). He has served as pastor of both Disciples and United Church of Christ congregations. As we enter what we hope is the final phase of the pandemic, Tim is beginning a journey of rediscovering himself and discerning next steps. He writes from his home in Albany, Oregon and wherever the Spirit lures him.

Posted in Esther, Esther 4, Esther 4:14, Micah, Micah 6, Micah 6:8, Old Testament, Pastoral Prayer, Prayers

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All materials by Tim Graves unless otherwise noted. Creative Commons License BY-NC-ND 3.0

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