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Speak Our Name, In-Courage Us

Mysterious One, We sit now before the open tomb.You have done the inexplicable.The world is not as we thought. In the silence of the garden,our humanity – our grief, anxiety, our hopes, and confusion – swirl about us. [SILENCE] As we

Posted in John, John 20, John 20:1-18, New Testament, Pastoral Prayer, Prayers

Miraculous & Mysterious Things

The stone was rolled away. Jesus said to her, “Mary.” She turned and said to him in Aramaic, Rabbouni” (which means Teacher). (John 20:16 CEB) Mary was in the presence of the transforming Jesus. Mary Magdalene left and announced to

Posted in Easter, Eastertide, John, John 20, John 20:19-31, New Testament, Uncategorized
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